Sunday, January 25, 2009

Christmas Dinner

Well, it's been a while since I last posted, and that's mostly due to my relocation to Los Angeles, CA right after the new year. Hello LA, you're great! I've been exploring the neighborhoods and foods the city has to offer, and there are some really exciting things. The Armenian grocery store is excellent, everything in Little Tokyo is delicious (and cute), and Yogurtland is a great late night treat.

I've got tons of photos to post about all of these things and more...but for now, here's some documentation of the christmas dinner I wrote about in the previous post, the Christmas Chipotle Chicken Rub.

First, the rub:

Then the veggies, sauteed with part of the rub and stuffed inside and around the bird:

The happy cook:

The almost finished product:

It was a great experiment, so spicy I was almost crying, and so flavorful that I could not wait to eat the leftovers.

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